Manifesta purposely strives to keep its distance from what are often seen as the dominant centres of artistic production, instead seeking fresh and fertile terrain for the mapping of a new cultural topography.

Manifesta 15 Barcelona will be taking place in Barcelona and 11 surrounding metropolitan cities

Tania Safura Adam, MZ/ES

Tania Safura Adam is a curator, researcher and founder, as well as editor of Radio Africa, a platform dedicated to critical thinking and the dissemination of Black arts and cultures. Her research focuses on Black diasporas, their movements, resistances, and African popular music. She has curated exhibitions such as «Microhistòries de la Diàspora. Experiències encarnades de la dispersió femenina» [Microhistories of the Diaspora: Embodied Experiences of Female Dispersion] (La Virreina, 2018-2019), «Blue Black Futures» (MACBA, 2021-2022) and «Requiem por la Humanidad» [Requiem for Humanity] (La Casa Encendida, 2023-2024). She was also responsible for the activities programme of «Making Africa: Un continent de disseny contemporani» [Making Africa: A Continent of Contemporary Design] (CCCB, 2016).

She is the author of numerous articles in various media and recently published the essay “Voces negras: Una historia oral de las músicas populares africanas Vol. 1” [Black Voices: An Oral History of African Popular Music Vol. 1]. Between 2017 and 2019, she presented the interview programme Terrícoles on betevé, and in 2019, she hosted African Bubblegum Music on Radio Primavera Sound. She is currently leading the research project «España Negra. Viaje hacia la negritud en el espacio-tiempo» [Black Spain: Journey into Blackness in Space-Time] (Museo Reina Sofia, MACBA, Artium, CCCB, IVAM), and the Iberian Black Studies seminar as part of the Independent Studies Programme at the Museo Reina Sofia. She also presents the programme Radio Africa on betevé.