Manifesta purposely strives to keep its distance from what are often seen as the dominant centres of artistic production, instead seeking fresh and fertile terrain for the mapping of a new cultural topography.
Mariusz Tarkawian, PL

Mariusz Tarkawian, Looking for art / Anticipation in art, 2010 © Manifesta 8 / Ilya Rabinovich.
This site-specific wall drawing by Polish artist Mariusz Tarkawian was made with black pen markers. The work integrated many ideas, including the historical art and the future art of Cartagena. The artist included work previously made for the biennial, the current work made specially for Manifesta 8 and work intended to be featured in future editions. In Murcia, his series of new drawings called Looking for Art / Anticipation in Art are an extension to this project. These drawings are about works artists have made for Manifesta editions in the past, are making for Manifesta now, or will be making for Manifesta in the future.