Manifesta purposely strives to keep its distance from what are often seen as the dominant centres of artistic production, instead seeking fresh and fertile terrain for the mapping of a new cultural topography.

Manifesta 15 Barcelona took place in Barcelona and 11 surrounding cities ot its metropolitan region.

Magda Bolumar, ES

In the late 1940s and early 1950s, Magda Bolumar Chertó trained as a painter in the studio of Rafael Estrany in Mataró. Estrany had been a student of the Belgian painter James Ensor. In his studio, Bolumar learned compositional techniques as well as different methodologies for using colour. She combined that training with her studies at the School of Arts and Crafts of Mataró.

In 1960, Bolumar started using woven sack yarn, a material with which she developed her most personal work. That is how she created her burlaps. Since then, she has not stopped working with this material. In parallel, she has continued to create works on paper.