Manifesta originated in the early 1990’s in response to the political, economic and social changes following the end of the Cold War and the subsequent steps towards European integration. Since that time, Manifesta has developed into a traveling platform focusing on the dialogue between art and society in Europe.

So far, Manifesta counts 15 editions, spanning over 28 years and involving 983 participants

Partners and Sponsors


Every Manifesta biennial is supported by a wide range of international funds and foundations, many of which Manifesta has been collaborating with from the start. The support, commitment, and trust of these funding bodies for consecutive biennial editions are essential for us to continue developing innovative urban exhibition platforms, capable of reaching large international audiences while at the same time retaining an independent, critical position to promote the unexpected in Europe’s changing cultural landscape.


In addition to the support from international funding organisations, each Manifesta biennial is realised with substantial financial support by corporate sponsors. These partnerships are equally important to maintain Manifesta’s distinctive reputation of promoting new visions in art and culture, and realising site-specific nomadic biennials in Europe, including innovations in urban research, exhibition models, and creative mediation. We aim to discuss a strategic and authentic programme with our sponsors with varied benefits that best meet their objectives and budget.

For information about funding possibilities, sponsorship opportunities and corresponding benefits, please contact Emilia van Lynden, Head of Development: [email protected]