Manifesta purposely strives to keep its distance from what are often seen as the dominant centres of artistic production, instead seeking fresh and fertile terrain for the mapping of a new cultural topography.

Manifesta 6 was cancelled by the President of the Greek Part of Cyprus

Carlo Ratti Associati, IT

Carlo Ratti (1971, IT) is a trained architect and engineer, and a founding partner of the international design and innovation office CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati.

Ratti directs the Senseable City Lab, a digital laboratory in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning in Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). A leading voice in the debate on new technologies’ impact on urban life and design, Carlo has co-authored over 500 publications and holds several technical patents.

CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati are the creators of the Manifesta 14 Prishtina Urban Vision. Within this vision, Ratti proposed a new methodology of ‘participatory urbanism’ that allows the citizens of Prishtina to take part in the reclamation of public space. This included several urban interventions that repurposed car parking spaces into spaces for the community.