Manifesta originated in the early 1990’s in response to the political, economic and social changes following the end of the Cold War and the subsequent steps towards European integration. Since that time, Manifesta has developed into a traveling platform focusing on the dialogue between art and society in Europe.

So far, Manifesta counts 15 editions, spanning over 28 years and involving 983 participants


Each edition of Manifesta is managed by a mix of permanent international team members and local specialists. Manifesta works from its offices in Amsterdam and the Host City.

From its headquarters in Amsterdam, the permanent team of Manifesta provides the backbone to the governance and production of the European Nomadic Biennial. For each edition of Manifesta, the permanent team conceptualises a new project with the partners of the Host City.

The Manifesta team works for extended periods on location to ensure the synergy between their international experience and local expertise is embedded as a legacy in the Host City. The continuity of Manifesta is based on openness, collaboration and knowledge transfer, propelled by a continuous stream of activity, in which research and curatorial innovation play an essential role.


Hedwig Fijen
Hedwig is the Founding Director of Manifesta. Under Hedwig’s direction, Manifesta has developed into one of the most important large-scale art events in Europe. Hedwig is in charge of all aspects of the Manifesta organisation including the selection of host cities for the biennial, thematic content and the curatorial selection. The final execution of the concept of the curators is her responsibility.

Business Department

The Business Department creates the administrative, legal and financial backbone structure in each edition and is liable for managing all financial, HR, legal, administrative, operations and governance aspects of the organisation.

Development Department

The Research and Development Department researches a diversity of complementary funding models, fundraising for Manifesta 15 Barcelona, creating sustainable relationships with (inter)national public and private funders, including individual giving, sponsorships and other partnerships.

Education Department

The Education and Mediation programme is an essential part of Manifesta that derives from encounters with a variety of home-based actors in Manifesta Host Cities, including inhabitants, educators, artists, historians, activists and associations. In each Manifesta edition, the programme takes different shapes while always placing audiences and collaborators at its centre.

Communications, Marketing, Publications and Audience Development

The Communication, Marketing, Publications and Audience Development Department oversees the brand strategy, PR and media partnerships, design and brand identity, digital communications, community management, events, marketing, as well as creating all the publication for Manifesta. The department manages both internal and external communications.

Supervisory Board

The Foundation has a Supervisory Board responsible for supervising the policy plan of the Director and the general business of the Foundation and its related organisation. The Board offers counsel to the Director.

The Supervisory Board is composed of senior professionals from the academic world, businesses and the international art world. The Supervisory Board of the Manifesta Foundation follows the Code Governance Cultuur of the Netherlands to ensure appropriate and transparent governance.

Board Members:

Hendrikje Crebolder
Director of Development & Media, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

Rob Defares
CEO and Co-founder of IMC, Amsterdam

Joumana El Zein Khoury
Executive Director of the World Press Photo Foundation

Kathleen Gertrud Ferrier
Chair of the Dutch UNESCO Commission

Sofía Hernández Chong Cuy
Director Kunstinstituut Melly

Iris Kensmil
Dutch Visual Artist

Niels de Ru
Partner Allen & Overy LLP

Lilian Gonçalves-Ho Kang You
Human Rights Activist